Secrets of the Wind - 3. diel Karpathos
Streda 03. Decembra 2014
Autor: lentila

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Secrets of the Wind - 3. diel Karpathos

Steven Van Broeckhoven a jeho seriál Secrets of the Wind sa v treťom diely presunuli na grécky ostrov Karpathos. Ostrov, ktorý by mali všetci windsurferi poznať kvôli skvelým veterným podmienkam. Totálne odlišná príroda, silné tradície, úžasné domáce jedlo a nedotknuté pláže...

This time we explored Secrets Of The Wind on magical island of Karpathos, Greece. The island is well known for windsurfing and high winds actually the real truth is that it is still fully undiscovered. Totally different nature on every corner, strong tradition and habits, amazing home made food, and incredible beautiful untouched beaches… definitely place to visit !!! Enjoy the mix of everything Steven has experienced down there! Thanks to everyone who helped us on the island especially Nikos Hatsipapas from Blue Garden, Olympos.



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